Monday, January 9, 2012

more interiors

Before the holidays I left you in the front of the house. Now we can tour the back of the first floor.
Turning left in the hallway, you enter the bedroom. Through the french doors is a little deck which overlooks the back patio. One day we plan a spiral staircase from this deck down the ground.

This is the wall behind the fireplace. We saw little built-in nooks in a house we rented in Mexico and decided to add them somewhere in our house. This was a convenient location, but because of the chimney flue they are only about 3 inches deep - not wide enough for most items I want to put there. The stucco backs makes it hard to place hangers.

The painting is a house-warming gift from our friends Zeke & Marty. It depicts a spot where we vacationed together in Belize.

From the bedroom you walk through the big closet into the bathroom, then through to the laundry room. I wasn't sure how we would like this arrangement, but it works well.

The cabinet in the bath is also made from wood off our property - white oak. The top has beautiful grain. I will show the handmade sink in another post.

The shower is a walk-in. James installed the glass block wall and window above the regular windows. The shower is wonderful in the summer but cold in the winter.
James also did all the tile and rock work in the bathroom. I wanted slate tile around the tub, he wanted iron ore flagstone on the walls and floors, so he did both. I think it turned out beautifully. I just noticed this picture was taken before the faucet was installed on the side wall.
Here's a detail of the front of the tub showing the transition from slate tile to rock. I was afraid the stone floor would get slippery, but it hasn't been a problem. We just scrub it with a stiff brush every few weeks.

Here are the cabinets in the laundry room, opposite the washer and dryer. They are made from red cedar off the property and are the most gorgeous cabinets in the house. Too bad they are in the very back corner.

The pale cabinet is a Murphy-style, fold down ironing board. We installed it in our little guest house and James (who is the only one of us who irons), likes it so much he moved it to our new house.

This concludes our tour of the main part of the house. We do have a basement, but it is still unfinished, so I won't show it until it is done.

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