Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm Back!

It has been ages since I have posted. The summer totally got me down and I couldn't think of much to talk about. But it has finally cooled off and we got rain!
Everything appreciated the moisture, even though the weather service says we need 15 more inches before they lift the burn ban in our area.
This morning as I was pouring my first cup of coffee, I glanced out the kitchen window to see this gorgeous sight. The Datura (aka Jimson weed or moon flower) loved the rain and burst into bloom.

The flowers close during the day then open at night. I caught them just as they were ready to close up.

Bees were busily buzzing into all the blooms, filling up with nectar while they could. They have been hunger this summer; with the heat and drought many flowers just quit blooming to conserve energy.
I hope the abundance of datura flowers signals a permanent change in the weather and the beginning of a better gardening season. I am ready to garden again.