Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Home to the Inferno

As I mentioned in my last post, the temperatures here in Texas are hellish and our drought worsens. Driving down the country roads here reveals hundred-year-old trees dying from the stress. I work outside a lot at my job so I have been particularly... I search for words here... well, sweaty and prickly. Some would call it bitchy. I spend as much time as possible out of the sun when not at work. Luckily, I tolerate the shade and 80 degrees well. So the front porch or back patio (in the early morning and evening) become outdoor respites.

The sound of the waterfall and the sight of the koi languidly swimming in the water refreshes my spirits.

The water lilies open in the afternoon, looking like they are floating on the water. Unfortunately, they close up late in the afternoon so are not visible in the evenings. We will try some night-blooming varieties next year so we can enjoy them during the times we are most often out here.

Actually looks cool and refreshing, doesn't it?

This Koi pond is actually more of a stream. It it is 3.5 to 4 deep to keep the fish out of reach of predators, which we have many of here in the country. We haven't lost any koi yet.

A dozen Koi (maybe one or two goldfish) swim around in the stream. We got them as babies two years ago and they have grown to be about 12 inches long. There are solid gold ones, a couple of white ones, one that is white with a gold head, and a few mottled with black, white and gold. No, I have not named them, but we are trying to get them to come to the surface and feed from our hands. So far, they only come within six inches before skittering away. So the training continues.

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